Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Besr Of Jenna Jamison

Johanniskrautöl – Ein Helfer in der Not zum selber machen

Who has a chance in nature (forest and field) to look, who notes these days, that yellow and bright flowers stand aside and immediately eye-catching.

If they look like the picture on the left, then there is John's wort (botanically correct "dot-St John", Latin: Hypericum perforatum). The herb called us to really perceive it and pluck.

I set forth from St. John's wort oil, and I am grateful to have it ready in the closet. To really be sure that it is John's wort, you grind the yellow flowers between the fingers - red juice comes out of the flowers and the fingers slightly red color, one is found it.

The oil provides excellent services
You can use it as a massage oil, combat tension, spasms, sprains and burns, muscle tears, bruises or contusions. Even with fresh wounds helps the oil because it has analgesic and astringent. It can be used in beauty care as well as to cure psoriasis and other skin rashes as a skin oil.

Daily massage with this oil to help prevent pregnancy and protect Strip and later, through breast feeding, breast inflammation. The oil has a strengthening effect on the muscles and connective tissue, and also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agents - and it smells even gut.Vor of use, please discuss with your gynecologist, as St. John's wort during pregnancy is not really recommended.

you should always consult a doctor or health practitioner if you are unsure. St. John's Wort oil is not a substitute accurate diagnosis with specific medication, but at Alltagswehwehchen definitely positive in the healing process . Intervene

It can be easily prepared even
I harvest the yellow flowers from June to August and fill thus breithalsige bottle until it is almost full. Then I pour this organic olive oil and place the bottle in the sun - for about 6 weeks. The oil then has dark red colored - so to speak reform Homes & Co. also like the red-oil. Then I put the bottle in a dark place, eg in the cellar in a closet, it will not turn rancid and I can always have it.

Caution! St. John's Wort oil increases the sensitivity to light, therefore never go unprotected in the sun.

St. John's Wort as a tea
It helps fight depression and insomnia, he calmed down and also helps with upset stomach or menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. St. John's Wort contains natural oestrogens (plant hormones), has a calming and stabilizing.

The beneficial effect of St. John's wort plant was already in the Middle Ages. Other names for the St. John's wort were Hartheu woman herb, blood God and the devil flee. The latter has its origin in the "defensive demons' Force of the St. John's wort plant. Earlier set of St. John in houses and barns were hung to ward off evil forces.

If symptoms persist or greater depression St John's wort may also be given in high doses - these resources are available only in pharmacies. Because of the high dose active ingredient of St. John's wort is not compatible with all medications, you should consult your doctor if you have to take powerful drugs. You should also go to the doctor anyway Aoptheker or if the symptoms persist longer.

source and related links: St. John's Wort Online and Healtindex