Monday, October 18, 2010

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The truth about comparisons

(not by me but by Ovid!) If it comes every day before in the world of justice, that comparisons can be closed. Each side can subsequently save face and claim that their cause had won in truth.

Sometimes you make an offer, however, that the other party can not refuse, even knowing the Godfather.

This then goes like this CLICK . Not pretty, but reality!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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The Truth About (German) legal fees

If we are to believe the television coverage was, "our all" Konny Reimann from Texas involved in a legal dispute. A neighbor asked him the significant reduction of his lawn and had even called to the court.

Because he is not in neighboring Texas law was firm, Konny Reimann did the right thing: he asked before a lawyer who apparently gave him "only" the situation of law and appropriate advice. But now it comes:
Konny Reimann said to have paid for this advice $ 1,000.
This corresponds to today's exchange rate is approximately € 715.00.

What might have bought a West German lawyer for the (same) Council?

According to § 34 para 1 sentence 2 RVG, § 612 BGB can charged by a lawyer at a (first) advises consumers maximum € 190.00 plus VAT werden.Aber almost always the German lawyers to stay below that amount.
Even when a West German lawyer our Konny Reimann would represent them in court would be a maximum of 300, - € met. And the Konny Reimann would then also from (defaulting) get back neighbors.

Emigration is such a thing, So stay in the country.