Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spanish Condolence Quote

Ergebnisse meiner Umfrage

Between September and December 2007, I called on readers to join a small survey. I wanted to know how to behave with a cold.

There have contributed a total of 21 people. The question was: How do you do if you have a cold?

The reader (s) could choose between five possible answers:
  • I lie down and drink a lot

  • I go to the doctor

  • I go to the pharmacy and I cover a

  • I rely on pharmaceuticals

  • I rely on natural remedies and home remedies
Here are the results:
The results show me that my readers have found the right platform. 71% of respondents to cure a cold and 38% prefer to rely on natural remedies.

I thank all participants for your cooperation.

Do you have a specific topic for the next poll? Log on.


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