Friday, August 20, 2010

Replacement Spice Rack Bottles

Germany - A law-free zone ?????

Although there are some people so stand up, but Germany has no law-free zone.

What happened?

A (new) client called on me a bit broken. "We have revoked his probation in force, because he had not met the Bewährunsgauflage. Now he should (still) remaining four months in the JVA.Einige Lawyers here in the district would have been rejected. to help him because the case was hopeless.

Something made me perk up : The client spoke of the court date was 2008, the judge made him a fine edition, but all of the following courts would say that he must complete 90 hours of community. He had not (!) Completed.

mistake or wishful thinking a client? He finally had already received an unfriendly invitation of the JVA. (!)

After I had received with some difficulty the file in the so-called Bewährunsgheft and the principal Act, the following picture:

I the principal Act n there was a clear hand-written decision of the judge: 'probation in exchange for money edition ". In the probation issue there was such a decision "to community service probation.

So a simple but momentous transmission error of the Court Clerk, for only (!) The Bewährunhgsheft was in the aftermath of the law enforcement authorities and the Chamber of the Landgericht sent and one relied simply on what was in the file.

After I found that was an unusual rush into my office:

petitions and hearing defects pursuant to § 33a Code of Criminal Procedure to a significant extent and many plants were under way, although both have no suspensive effect.

But only 5 days later, I received today the transfer of the grace of office:

the enforcement of the sentence suspended until a decision by the grace of office except enforcement

From now on I am greeted by the client as follows:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How To Use Windows Twice

3 Tipps gegen Heisshunger nach Süßigkeiten

I look forward to you today a new series in my healthy to and cheerfully offer news. The series I call THREE TIPS - characterized by the three green thumb.

is In the series there are tips on specific topics, such as hot against hunger, cold, to sleep, etc. They are based on personal experience and do not necessarily help everyone, but it help me. Today I start with the topic of food cravings.

There were times in my life, have since I supper as watching television and munched chocolate surprised me after a few weeks / months, why the waist was narrower and adorned pimples my face. In addition to weight and skin problems then entered to sleep yet. Nevertheless, chocolate and TV was still a long evening ritual of which I could separate me hard. Do you know that? Do you suffer from it?

What can you do? Stop it! How? With a few little tricks. To probably everybody has come upon itself or would come.
The following "substitute drugs" I am not all together one, but I opt for one of the variants.
  1. grab instead of chocolate I after fruit (Heidel, - bromo-and / or raspberries, grapes, etc.) and / or raw vegetables , such as carrots, radishes, bell pepper, cucumber salad - it's all cut into bite-sized portions. Healthy and tasty.

  2. Drinking : In most cases, helps me milk with honey or rice milk - both warmed up a bit to make the honey dissolves better and spread the taste better. Alternatively, do them a fruit juice, a glass of water or a cup of tea. Depending on the strength of the cravings.

  3. Krasse method: Simply brush the teeth . Then it is harder to candy to grasp. Probably because the mouth feel clean and comfortable and should remain so. In addition, chocolate or fruit tastes strange after brushing your teeth because the taste nerves are irritated.
I understand this but not as a dogma or religion. If I had to block sweet, it gets eaten. If I am of the opinion however that it is time again to intervene, then I can help tips.

you know more tricks? Then let us still with you.


Marc Christian Lautner

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dutchman Campers 1996 For Sale

new and important collection of Institute

to my friendly response to the pleas for the collection Collectus I received the following mail:

Dear Sir Neuber,

we have set ourselves with our clients in connection
- in this context
We ask you to excuse the delay. Your
data were obviously
an unknown third person on the portal
entered our clients. The operation was canceled
course immediately
. The requirement is not more
brought against you.
ask We apologize for the inconvenience caused to
I think ch is a sign of seriousness of the company.

So it is actually possible for malicious people enter the address of a
others on the Christmas calendar page, so as to inflict damage.

That would mean that perhaps all (!) Has so far sent out invoices and reminders

its origin in a criminal act.