Thursday, July 29, 2010

Install Front Bmw License Plate

Is this the turnaround?

According to a preliminary report by the Higher Regional Court SPON the arrest warrant against Mr tile man has lifted.

Whether he is now before the District Court of Mannheim gets a fair trial?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Much Wedding Cake To Order?

Yes is it Christmas already ?????

reached the middle of the summer me begging letter from a debt collection institution, I will not deprive the public:

So, dear friends of the Collectus GmbH, as you are asked to try after Krefeld.

gääbbet me nothing, as the Schwabe says.

Can Flu Bring On Early Period

And always the same questions

Now I recently addressed and confronted with increasingly frequent and crucial question:

you, Mr. Prosecutor, as you see it with morality?

I will now tell this joke: A lawyer who defended

a client in a scandal process successfully. At a party, then it speaks to an indignant wife, "For you, probably is not a crime to the public, too horrible, too outrageous, that you did not want to take over the defense!" - "It depends," said the lawyer, "what have you been up to then?"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Briggs And Stratton Carburetor Spring Diagram


Dear readers, today

I would like to draw attention to a great project that has created the business and life coach and author Dirk Kessler to life.


The "Everything can be better " shows some tips to a successful and happy life, ultimately this also.

anyone can in this project reinschnubbern in which he / she simply "can project all " section of the brochure for free - will download " successful opportunities for a successful and above all happy life " and read through.

But because these tips first "only" theory, there are a successful application (Tip: be happy about me, then the chances are not bad) and the possibility within the project " everything can be better " the practical tips apply.

There is also the support of Dirk Kessler and me. First, through seminars and through personal attention. For free!

Best regards
Marc Christian Lautner

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Similar To Rondo Music


For all readers who are interested in nature and its wonders interested, I have two video clips. These are extracts from the GREAT SHOW OF NATURAL WONDERS , which unfortunately I always miss regularly.
Youtube is due, you can watch videos anyway so again and again.

Firstly it is a granules, which was developed in Germany, which the earth is added to the irrigation water seeps immediately. Especially in hot and desert-like regions may be a boon to agriculture:

On the other hand shows us the seeds of the Moringa tree that he contaminated water in no time consumption makes. The immune system of the tree works great.

you know ähmliche natural wonder? Then write me.

I wish you a nice week

Marc Christian Lautner

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Operation Repo Online Free

Heidelbeeren können bei Sehstörungen helfen

If the eyes are strained, for example by working on the PC, concentrated reading, long drives at night and / or rain, it can help the blueberry.

fresh fruit or finished products (pharmacy) with standardized content of anthocyanins - the dark of the blueberry plant dyes - affect positive effect on vision. Especially at night blindness, and even in pathological changes of the retina, they ensure a better blood flow to the smallest blood vessels, also have antioxidant effects.

In acute vision problems like blurred vision or focusing problems caused by overuse and wet refresh eye drops with cranberry tincture (pharmacy).


also applies for the eyes: The best protection from symptoms of stress and strain is regular exercise. Just who sits long at the computer or drive a lot of car should be, even take an hour a break and give your eyes a little gymnastics. The view wander out the window and can see things at different distances. Then the shape of figure eight or trace the outline of a tree with his eyes.

The permanent look on as the screen or TV leads to habituation of the eye: they can be slow. The aforementioned eyes gymnastics provides as excellent services - also are visually impaired can be positively influenced.

questions or comments? Log on.

I wish you a nice weekend.


Marc Christian Lautner

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Piece Nami Et Robin X

An alle Rechenmuffel!

I am a computer and muffle them choose calculator to use as my head or slip to make and pen. I have found it difficult in school because even helped my patient math teacher nothing :-)

Well, stumbling a few decades later I am on an interesting video and a book that I convey both the subject of math fun and easy to understand. I would like to share this knowledge with you to ensure that you have (more) fun in math. Perhaps you are indeed still a Adam Riese ?

First, a recording from the ARD science magazine "knowledge before 8":

Great, is not it? Use this method to score points on each party or to colleagues draw in the faces and wonder.

Even the book Mathe macchiato: Cartoon-mathematics course for students is a true blessing for those who are not ready to give up maths, even though they had problems in school with this subject.

you know of great stories, videos and / or books on the subject? Then you write me.


Marc Christian Lautner

Friday, July 2, 2010

At What Temperature Do Pipes Freeze

Neuer Look und mehr Service

Dear readers,

First of all many thanks for your interest in my health and cheerful news .

I hope the new look of this blog like it. In addition to the current and short Twitter messages (see also the right of the screen), then you will find regular articles that address the health and general tips for a beautiful, relaxed and easy life.

on topic suggestions, tips, recipes, criticisms and suggestions I am happy. Please write me ( mc.lautner @ ) or use the comment box at the end of this article.

Best wishes and a sunny weekend

Marc Christian Lautner