Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Piece Nami Et Robin X

An alle Rechenmuffel!

I am a computer and muffle them choose calculator to use as my head or slip to make and pen. I have found it difficult in school because even helped my patient math teacher nothing :-)

Well, stumbling a few decades later I am on an interesting video and a book that I convey both the subject of math fun and easy to understand. I would like to share this knowledge with you to ensure that you have (more) fun in math. Perhaps you are indeed still a Adam Riese ?

First, a recording from the ARD science magazine "knowledge before 8":

Great, is not it? Use this method to score points on each party or to colleagues draw in the faces and wonder.

Even the book Mathe macchiato: Cartoon-mathematics course for students is a true blessing for those who are not ready to give up maths, even though they had problems in school with this subject.

you know of great stories, videos and / or books on the subject? Then you write me.


Marc Christian Lautner


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