Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Amortization Calculator Balloon Payment 365/360

private prosecution? What does that mean?

Since a consumer protection agency in Herford celebrating under the heading "Law-Hunting" so that the public prosecutor of Bielefeld the proceedings against him had stopped because of a breach of Art Copyright Act. However, he seems to "miss" to have the district attorney has referred the Bielefeld reporting party on the private prosecution.

time too short thought Mr. Consumer advocates

The prosecution has no other written as:

You consumer advocates you have indeed committed an offense, it is the general public but little affected, also heard the crime to the deeds of the catalog § 374 Code of Criminal Procedure, that the reporting party should take care that you are punished.

So if the reporting party a "Law-Hunter" and he has some money, he will not let you say twice.
Law-Hunter is one who pursues violations of the law by legal means and does what the prosecutor recommends it.

Then we want but let's see if the charge-Hunter Law private prosecution and lawyer who will defend the consumer advocates agreed, especially if the payment of the defender not secured.

It will be fascinating.


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