Keep your hands off foreign ownership
Since in Bielefeld a man who claimed to be of the mutated Saul to Paul on his own,-serif ".
Previously he was a willing cog in the grinding of the evil cheaters and did not deserve this bad, in terms of his training, his professional life's work and his skill.
came almost overnight his enlightenment, that it would not be received there with the "right" things and he left the warmth of the workplace.
From then on he became a preacher (not only in appearance) and said the prosecutor, the court, and in general everybody how bad my company but some of it with consumers.
now has this same Saul at his conversion to Paul sweetens the arg mutation in which he took at his departure substantial company funds (allegedly 75 000 €) the business accounts and its own assets added.
This in turn refused to accept the bad rip-not, and accused the preacher.
was suddenly and unexpectedly, but these assets into at one time and asked the state, one may yet grant him legal aid and pay him his lawyer.
Now get legal aid only, the prosecution has a chance of success.
That's obvious, right?
Man with so extensively before in such a case, why it is believed that the action can not succeed can.
This was but now thoroughly in the pants!
In the decision of the Landgericht Bielefeld constantly "unsubstantiated" by and "unclear," the speech. This means, in legal jargon: "You have indeed much better Defendant babble, but not said, claiming that what is important."
is completely deadly then the proposition
"For the fact that intentional funds were withdrawn, not the defendants were entitled, has remained undisputed"
class: not only write nonsense ( ) but can and "confess" everything.
And what happens now? Clear: whines One of the bad food, developed conspiracy theories (What to do, counsel for the applicant with the judges of the District Court?) And asks, as often as possible to press the Donate button on the traveling preacher page
One wonders. Of course, where the funds are still there, that are "common ground" landed by his own hand at the preacher. for "rabbit roast" He has probably not spent anything and his lawyer should have (yet) received any money. ARGE probably knows nothing of this money.
Although they
the water up to his neck, they do not listen to croak out!
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