Monday, January 31, 2011

Scorpio Suddenly Lose Interest

it matters that do not exist, right?

There's always something News from the judicial scene.

A friend
colleague told me about a case that he was concerned. The colleague runs a blog where he writes sometimes his frustration with the self-righteous blogger scene of the soul. In June / July 2010, he wrote ironically a champion of freedom of expression encompassing, covering not-necessarily-willed on by the speculation personal and professional details. In a subordinate clause and the real name of this constant critic has called the legal profession. Fast Acting as the firefighters went to a representative of this then criticized the profession, to the colleagues, the attribution prohibited. When my friend is not listed in that good immediately responded, we wanted an injunction , Has threatened to apply by mail and telephone. My friend was tired of meanness and changed in his blog without acknowledging any legal obligation to the surname of the named in the letter.

prompt he received a call from the lawyer of the named that one is very happy with the change, everything is alright and the interim order had to be stopped, however, would be through the submission of the application for this injunction incurred legal costs and should share but the calling of the lawyer named and my friend.

This sudden kindness of calling colleagues did my friend but hear everything.

He took the files at the District Court called Saxon and behold, the district court had already made a final decision in the Act, in which the application was rejected in full. This decision was the colleague sent but not yet.

In other words, the enemy had quickly as your fellow firefighters a completely botched application filed for his mistake and wanted to just do not stand alone.
remembered my friend's colleagues strongly to the familiar tactic of the subscription traps operators: They want to enforce vigorously and with strong words, a non-existing claims.

My colleague has now been ordered for himself and requested a formal rejection of the request for an interim injunction. The costs (including their own legal costs) then the applicant should be imposed, which is so well done. And if not then should be paid, then he needs a car yourself without Schufa

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Buy A Blue And White Cardigan

♥ ♥ 500 ♥ draw ♥ readers

This is My thanks to you

♥ I'm really looking forward to each of you.
Thank you very much for the kind words
which you always
leave under my posts.

why this raffle also
all to you.
This is the only condition
To participate in the lottery, you have to
readers of this blog are. (Or will be.)

Then you have the option of the
Rösch chain
to win the earrings

If you double your chance
2x and even want to end up in Lostöpfchen,
Link to this drawing to your blog.
Give me your decision
where you have linked the lottery!

♥ ♥

And these are necklaces and earrings.
(The earrings are made of silver 925iger
and very, very well tolerated.)
♥ ♥

It is, for milking mice ...
... I could make a better picture.
♥ ♥

Do you like to collaborate?
I look forward to seeing you!

The raffle will run until Wednesday, 24.00 Clock .
And if all goes well, the draw will take place

on Thursday.

♥ ♥

Have fun and good luck!


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mount&blade Online Kay


My left index finger
do not like me anymore. :-(
ago about 5 weeks he has separated from his right
Is (again quickly and well, especially grown. ;-)
And now ...
... now he has an embroidery machine needle once across
drilled through nail and flesh.

♥ ♥

out where we end?

But everything is ok.
I had the finger yesterday
X-ray nor leave, because I was missing
a needle piece.
It broke into three parts
and the lower part was gone.
But it is not stuck,
has been found but not anymore. ;-)
♥ ♥

Well let's see.
Now I am again
something out of action.

Ouch! :-(
♥ ♥

♥ I hope you are all doing well.
;-) Greetings dear

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Indian Ladies Showing There Brests

About the rampant loss of reality and others in the event of the last days

I was confronted with a case out of life.

a special man and his wife face a demand of 75,000 € exposed, which wants to have a company of them. It is beyond dispute that the two of the money from the account of the company on their own account transferred have. The particular man says: "We have been to more than justified!" The company has since completely disagree and complain.
far, this is now nothing special.

has of me not understand why the particular person the money is not everything or will not reveal where it has remained. But he needs a lawyer to "his" just cause, representation in court. The wants or can not pay for now. He now finds a lawyer, whom he now referred to as the "first best" and the special people "only" struck by that "he is reported by blog and my actions, and publish really great place .
The lawyer had small at first claim dispensed approximately € 4022.20 advance before, but since the matter was just the first best lawyer appears at first to "its" normal statutory compensation and to have applied for legal aid. At the same time he founded, of course, in extensive written submissions as to why the claim was false and unfounded. For over a year "folder as" changing fonts and forth, I am sure that very much dictates the lawyer in the spring and every word of the lawyers' pleadings was controlled.
Then follows the norm: more than a year of working without a lawyer see a penny. Then it happened
after one year, after the court had studied the folders and assessed that the judges said, "No, my special man, your defense has no chance of success and therefore get you and your husband, wife, no legal aid to defend against the full application amount!"

Even that happens and is nothing special, as one can read the internet and in Euroweb.
said Now may be the "first best" lawyer "? Way folder fonts for nothing, lulu or even for free I do not like (more) special person who'll pay money, or I do not keep working."
also nothing special and do not understand.

Since not the particular man of this kind please accede to that presented the "first best" attorney's mandate down
also nothing special and even understandable.

And because no one was in court, not even the special man of honor or curiosity, was issued a default sentence that contains absolutely no justification by the way!. That is right and is thus in the law.

The special is now: Instead of
view that perhaps his own interpretation of the law is wrong, beat the man a special prosecutor to its "influence on the part of industry not rule out useless, but even if it was so -? hardly proved. "

The latest that I would move to follow the special people with the whole repertoire of legal nastiness. Others may be because behave differently.

Hello dear sir, do not forget that the Charges in the PKH-review process (at least 1200, - net, after paragraph 3335 VV RVG) set easily according to § 11 RVG against their own clients through the court can können.Und then execute like crazy, because you know (suspect or ) it so, where the original 75,000 euros remained! He should get to know me, what really means-Hunting Law.

For the special person I can think of even a whole series of Verbalinjurien I will refrain from doing, however.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

M Jak Milosc Opis Odcinkow

Two recent events are particularly noteworthy:

-even the seizure of the domain by EUROWEB from Dusseldorf and
-second, the destruction of an online journalist who originally took off again to serve the truth but then could not keep away from other accounts.

What the case nerdcore is concerned, gather again in the network, self-appointed lawyers and moralists and meet on anarchists and anarchists. An unholy alliance!

But as regards the actual attempt to enforce satisfaction of a final title (for taxation decision) is concerned, as we can but just the Supreme Court to speak. It has explained in simple terms:

a) "Internet domain" is in itself no other property law the meaning of § 857 para 1 CCP dar. subject allowable attachment under § 857 para 1 Code of Civil Procedure in an "internet domain" is rather the totality of the contractual claims, the holder of the domain (this is in this Rene W .) of the contracting authority from the domain registry have ( here probably DENIC ) underlying contractual relationship.

b) The recovery of the seized domain owner against the claims of the contracting authority from the registration contract may, § § 857 para 1, 844 para 1 CCP in lieu of payment by transfer to take place an estimated value.

VII ZB 5 / 05 decision, 5.7.2005
pity that Mr Rene W. prematurely after all, paid for the process would DENIC can not win. Now applies: Except charges have been nothing ... But it is not the expense of EUROWEB.

As for the famous Investigative online journalists, the latter sees now confronted with the fact that for the intentionally immoral act in the insolvency of any (!) Remaining debts are.

Ironically, through his actions that he mitreingerissen now even his wife hat.Aber with scorched earth, he knows even for apparently.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Burn Jenna Jameson Streaming


Since the snails were gone sooo fast,
I have to replace something here for you.

is this small frog with
lots of colorful beads and a strawberry

sits on a little flower. ;-)

♥ ♥

If you would like to get the home
Fröschchen to you, just write in the post

or admin (at)

♥ ♥

I wonder whether it
will soon find a new home.

♥ Much love


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The frog is reserved. ♥

Tech Deck Colorful Trucks

Worm Race exchange

exchange is well again.

If your little worm like, want and like
even thread a bit.
I have here a small set for you.

It consists of 3 beads,
on which a snail race is held, a few small beads

and a strawberry bell.

The worm beads are all different.
On the first run two screws on the second three

and on the third one.
♥ ♥

If you are inclined to swap with me, write me

either here or at: admin (at)
♥ ♥

I'm really looking forward to your
exchanger land. ;-)
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The beads are forgiven.
But the next exchange is already in progress. I'll show you soon then

against what I have changed.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Problems Trapezius Muscle Can Cause

♥ Hach ...

... dat life is schöööön

* * *

But sometimes it is also common.
I can add to the post
no more hearts.
You know of someone advice?
must serve as long as the asterisk.

* * *

Whenever I'm in a bad mood,
I hear the song.
I liiiiiiiiiiiiiebe it!

* * *

* * *

And all without hearts. ;-)

* The draw for the first time
remains pinned above.

* * *

are dear to all soooo greeted

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Hide A Cold Sore On Lip

Ohhhh look, sometimes ...

... soon the 500 readers
have gathered with me.

The screams yes
directly after a draw, or?

if they are full 500, there's a
Perhaps with a little chain,
a trailer, or a little ring?

I'm very excited.

Until then I wish you a wonderful
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sample Cover Letter, Dental Hygienist

use words and deeds

A specter is haunting Europe, and the Web. This is the specter of "Shit Storm"

How? You do not know what that is?

Now that is or was there a blogger. This blogger arrogated to itself, to insult, defame and slander. He said that he might, after all, he was a freak, had the right to freedom of expression on his side and in general, and in any case. So he was a good one.
The company, which he said, was precisely described as completely different Opinion and ordered him out of court, first, to delete the garbage. Those were the bad guys.

can comply with "evil" safely be ignored, "thought the good and did nothing.

lamented the evil, and would then have won the legal and court costs.

can comply with "evil" safely be ignored, "thought the good and did nothing.

The evil pfändeten finally his domain as the only "unimpaired" possession of a good auction and do it now.

Even if everything went his way right under our law, that we should not do, however, howled the blogger community. And the "evil" is now a very "bad cop" shows and the "good" was the angel of the disenfranchised.

"We will ensure that the reputation of" all evil "completely" zermetzelt "is."

"Now people get up and storm comes!" Screamed before a psychopathic propaganda specialist, from which one knows what became of him, but knew not sure what a "Shit Storm".

remarkable thing is the way, that is reported about this case on the blog of caster lawyers. Here we come to the conclusion that the domain Gegrabsche is a form of censorship.

Each offender is taken away from the tool that he used to carry out his act to prevent it to continue.

If there is to be entitled to the subscription traps operators would be to merely call out to terminate the accounts (so-called account bashing), it must be true in a figurative sense, for such "freaks" who think the internet get rich in a free Zone. So Domain-bashing.

I am now waiting only on the reaction of the good guys, such as when a phantom named Igor insults, slander and defamation of the "good" spread.

Since then certainly after the rule of law , according to police and prosecutors and generally shouted solidarity and led all the way to silence the phantom.

The springs but surely my dirty fantasy that measure the "goodness" of double standards.
"So he finished razor-sharp can, what are not, that should not be."

Horoscopes In Spanish

slowly Slowly, ...

... is a doll's baby. ♥ ♥

So, it will have blue eyes and blonde
, long ponytail.

It is approximately 45cm tall and are
much as his sibling.

♥ I'm very excited.
♥ ♥

I had some inquiries,
whether the doll is already taken.
No, it is not yet.
If anyone is interested, he can
via email / admin (*) like to contact me again.
We could then talk even more about
color requirements for the dress.
Otherwise I'll do it the way I like

's will and then take the
Straight-show here.
♥ ♥
The doll is already taken. ♥ ♥

So, now I'm once again set to work.

♥ Have a wonderful day
, and do not spoil the mood
by rain. ;-)

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Uk Towns And Cities Cryptic Clues

I'm excited ...

... like a small child.

My new doll
lives before my eyes.
And even a name I already have.
♥ ♥

But the tell me you do not.
Not yet.

I think it is a little larger

than his sibling.

But now there's only one
a short break.
morning how it continues.

♥ ♥

I greet you all very fond

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The World Biggest Skatepark Tech Deck

`For a while ...

... I had quite violently
cut away the legs.

Now I am fit again and you still want
would fix
a beautiful, creative
new year. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

's going with me now on again. Less
with beads -
for more dolls.

And because everything is new, different, better
should be, I
also working on a new doll
I'm curious
as the first doll will look like.
♥ ♥

♥ I hope you all
's really good.

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marshmallow Gun Waltmart


Can a warning be "extremely" and verbally?

Yes, why not? Generally, a warning that urgent-court communication of a person to another person about the fact that this has acted unlawfully, is associated with a request to refrain from the designated action in the future.

This is also verbally or by telephone.

just should of course the orally pronounced a warning to be clear so that the Abgemahnt know what you want from him. Strange stammering on the phone is not helpful.

Furthermore, the warning should be meant by "genuine", all the rest were with repetitions, just annoying.

Therefore, it can be very amusing when a former member of an East Zone ethnic minority in the broadest dialect to another requires some, the name of his client confused, pre-formulated a bad cease and desist letter and then "Glaache" for his "clients" threatening.

I will not now consider whether this is a violation of the legal services Benefits Act, or whether here a frightening lack of paper and postage disclosed may, at any rate, of course, such a telephone warning triggered a backlash of the wrong was cited which then directed not against the caller but against his clients are. This can happen if the blind support the lame.

In the present case, it is certainly not have traded a serious joke call. People used to say, with the same minority, it was "fischelant. This seems, however, by the ugly Western decadence (late Roman?) have changed.

we waiting on whether a recording of the call appears on youtube, maybe to the tune of "Sing mei Sachse sing"? watch? v = IyudYAVbn2c

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tech Deck Live Registration

The big forums dying? No stab! The

Some had an oracle that would be taken upon the entry into force of the (planned) Youth Media State contract, the great death of blogs and forums. too great was the fear of the operator for ( possibly) critical content or comments to the liability to be taken.

Well, as we all know, the youth media treaty is off the table, but die-known and popular forums, such as

Who thinks now, the Guild of Pöser cheaters and warnings would have to answer for this, are completely wrong.

it but an obituary would be worth, that it was not the cheaters and their evil Lawhunter lawyers who brought the Forum BooCompany after five years on a case, but that this malicious commentators calculated Claus Fricke Meier and his detective cronies attribute. This is not to believe. Who then has the well-fed Boo internals? Process observers ( ) of the first hour?

Why go down the forum rather be, instead of looking for the leak in the ship and to stuff it? Lord Sinclair told me he was tired of fighting the so-called Useless industry.
" I am convinced that no one here is corrupt or has been. It was true not only the chemistry between the different groups, and has been for some months. Distrust, envy and strife are not good . Breeding grounds for a trusting relationship "

One wonders just yet: Who has benefited from it or as the Latins said:? Cui bono
No tricks the Lord in two years has brought down, only himself and now at least a Consumer Protection Forum.

Verkehrte online consumer world.