Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tech Deck Live Registration

The big forums dying? No stab! The

Some had an oracle that would be taken upon the entry into force of the (planned) Youth Media State contract, the great death of blogs and forums. too great was the fear of the operator for ( possibly) critical content or comments to the liability to be taken.

Well, as we all know, the youth media treaty is off the table, but die-known and popular forums, such as boocompany.com.

Who thinks now, the Guild of Pöser cheaters and warnings would have to answer for this, are completely wrong.

it but an obituary would be worth, that it was not the cheaters and their evil Lawhunter lawyers who brought the Forum BooCompany after five years on a case, but that this malicious commentators calculated Claus Fricke Meier and his detective cronies attribute. This is not to believe. Who then has the well-fed Boo internals? Process observers ( http://inside-megadownloads.blogspot.com/search?q=ilex ) of the first hour?

Why go down the forum rather be, instead of looking for the leak in the ship and to stuff it? Lord Sinclair told me he was tired of fighting the so-called Useless industry.
" I am convinced that no one here is corrupt or has been. It was true not only the chemistry between the different groups, and has been for some months. Distrust, envy and strife are not good . Breeding grounds for a trusting relationship "

One wonders just yet: Who has benefited from it or as the Latins said:? Cui bono
No tricks the Lord in two years has brought down, only himself and now at least a Consumer Protection Forum.

Verkehrte online consumer world.


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