Tuesday, January 25, 2011

M Jak Milosc Opis Odcinkow

Two recent events are particularly noteworthy:

-even the seizure of the domain nerdcore.de by EUROWEB from Dusseldorf and
-second, the destruction of an online journalist who originally took off again to serve the truth but then could not keep away from other accounts.

What the case nerdcore is concerned, gather again in the network, self-appointed lawyers and moralists and meet on anarchists and anarchists. An unholy alliance!

But as regards the actual attempt to enforce satisfaction of a final title (for taxation decision) is concerned, as we can but just the Supreme Court to speak. It has explained in simple terms:

a) "Internet domain" is in itself no other property law the meaning of § 857 para 1 CCP dar. subject allowable attachment under § 857 para 1 Code of Civil Procedure in an "internet domain" is rather the totality of the contractual claims, the holder of the domain (this is in this Rene W .) of the contracting authority from the domain registry have ( here probably DENIC ) underlying contractual relationship.

b) The recovery of the seized domain owner against the claims of the contracting authority from the registration contract may, § § 857 para 1, 844 para 1 CCP in lieu of payment by transfer to take place an estimated value.

VII ZB 5 / 05 decision, 5.7.2005
pity that Mr Rene W. prematurely after all, paid for the process would DENIC can not win. Now applies: Except charges have been nothing ... But it is not the expense of EUROWEB.

As for the famous Investigative online journalists, the latter sees now confronted with the fact that for the intentionally immoral act in the insolvency of any (!) Remaining debts are.

Ironically, through his actions that he mitreingerissen now even his wife hat.Aber with scorched earth, he knows even for apparently.


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