Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marshmallow Gun Waltmart


Can a warning be "extremely" and verbally?

Yes, why not? Generally, a warning that urgent-court communication of a person to another person about the fact that this has acted unlawfully, is associated with a request to refrain from the designated action in the future.

This is also verbally or by telephone.

just should of course the orally pronounced a warning to be clear so that the Abgemahnt know what you want from him. Strange stammering on the phone is not helpful.

Furthermore, the warning should be meant by "genuine", all the rest were with repetitions, just annoying.

Therefore, it can be very amusing when a former member of an East Zone ethnic minority in the broadest dialect to another requires some, the name of his client confused, pre-formulated a bad cease and desist letter and then "Glaache" for his "clients" threatening.

I will not now consider whether this is a violation of the legal services Benefits Act, or whether here a frightening lack of paper and postage disclosed may, at any rate, of course, such a telephone warning triggered a backlash of the wrong was cited which then directed not against the caller but against his clients are. This can happen if the blind support the lame.

In the present case, it is certainly not have traded a serious joke call. People used to say, with the same minority, it was "fischelant. This seems, however, by the ugly Western decadence (late Roman?) have changed.

we waiting on whether a recording of the call appears on youtube, maybe to the tune of "Sing mei Sachse sing"? watch? v = IyudYAVbn2c


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