Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stop Bleeding From Roof Of Mouth

surprise followers hinter'm 14th

wait today you. Not the
in the picture.
They are all already taken.
But I made many new ones.

And if you like, then you can make

Today waits behind the 14th Door
a surprise keychain.

If you want to be there, just leave a comment

together with your favorite color.

If your 14th Schreiber, be
I will (try) ', your favorite color
accordingly to send a key tapes.
are given a small pearly's surprise.

It is as always:
The comments I post later on when we
Afternoon are back home.
♥ ♥

there's less than 14 writers,
win the first one.

♥ ♥

Enjoy and many greetings
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh my God, I'm
re on the go.
why all fix:

ENERIM, You are the 14th
Write me fix your address, then
can also surprise your
be quite in your hands. ;-)

* * *

morning's next!
If you feel like
drop by!

* Thank you very much, you want your

* * *


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Satellite Channels Frequency 2010

door cherry pits meet Flora Fox

This afternoon I
again sewn a cherry stone pillow.

I Florafox the file
liked sooo much. But again and again
vermuschelt I's.
Now I have sewn and also

Now I lie here a few Kirschkernkissen
And from this one,
even if I deeply care about,
I would want to separate myself.

(even exchange)

But you know,
that I do not like to sell.

So I was thinking to swap
Do you like to swap with me?
I have no idea what to.
I know not what you everything you can. writes

If you like, then to me:
admin (at) filzlotte.de

♥ I am very pleased with your trade offers.
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Small Blood Sac Dogs Leg

The 9th Door ...

... I opened for you,
to shorten the waiting time to
for Christmas Eve.
Have Your desire to participate again
Behind the door there's
namely 6 keychains,
waiting for you.

If you like, then
a comment
writes this post.

today to win the 9th Schreiber
one of the trailers.

If less than 9 Waiting
write the first writer to win.

♥ ♥

As always, I post
the comments later.
(If I Janka, Jette, Jirka
collected from the school and the kindergarten had
♥ ♥

♥ I am so excited.
Much love
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

You were the 9th
Write me Just like that,
searched for what trailer you decide that you want.
And your address, I also need the

Allen others who participated, I thank you soooo very
Soon's next!
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Trim Around A Bathtub

robot searched ...


Jirka wants sooo much a shirt with a robot.
♥ Sorry I have
only very grim.
But he's only 5th
And even if he is mighty cool for
he may not.
Because it can be scary.

You do not know a beautiful Embroidery
with funny, cute robots?

I would be happy about Looking forward your help.

The picture Janka
times in the 2nd Class painted in the main classroom.
Oh no, that's about it 6 years ago.
My God, time flies.

noted in such trifles
it over again.
are you also so
noted that not even your races like the time?
And at some point,
the little things, gestures, words, pictures ...
she notes:
"Oh, again are 1, 2, 3, 4 gone .. years."

♥ ♥

is yes, the ... ;-)

♥ Much love
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, December 6, 2010

Vote Of Thanks Sample For Wedding Ceremony

♥ Flowery winter or the 7th Door ♥

Sometimes you need
's just something in the winter floral .

why there's now also a
flowery cherry stone pillow.

It is really big and so good fits

adult on their bellies. ;-)
♥ ♥

One's inner life, of course again.
suitable time in blue.
♥ ♥

But in the winter and especially at Christmas time
are of course the stars.

This asterisk has
today after the 7th Hidden door.
♥ ♥

warms with his pithy inside
's and smell's equally good.
♥ ♥

And because today the 7th Calendar day, wins the 7th
Post Comment
the Wärmerchen.

Like last time I publish the comments until later.
(we must have yet to see a doctor.
Janka and Jette both
bad cold.)

Because there are less than 7 comments
wins the first clerk.
♥ ♥

Good luck and many greetings from the sick bed

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

here I am again.
Many, many thanks for your
many nice comments.

There is also a winner.
A lucky lucky!
Witzig. ;-) ♥

love Kerstin (lucky)
Please send me all your fixed address!
I just grab packages.
Maybe it can go straight
along for the ride.

♥ ♥

of all I thank you again soooo very
's be for it.
Do not be sad.
's going on soon!
certainly full! ;-) I wish
To all of you
a wonderful Christmas season

Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh Sorry, the
Embroidery is
"colorful needle"

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ways To Break Metacarpal

Peaceful pillow ;-)

when it's cold now, you need a
warming pad.

And because I'm just
Smila stick-delusion
there was just a peaceful pillow. ;-)

really colorful it is.

It has also an inner life.

There's a purple inner cushion,
filled with many good-smelling cherry pits.

Hmmmm, if it is warm, smells
's sooooo yummy. ;-)

Although I think
holds that spelled warm longer.

♥ ♥

So now I try to have one.
A little bit different.
'll see.

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Can You Use Pancake Mix In Waffle Maker

Advent Contest - Resolution

It was not easy.
But you have been really good.

I was totally beside himself
and was amazed.
The double had I managed to jedan case.
But it really only 157 g.

are There was also someone who
the right close to it was.
Jasmin (Schokolaedchen)
has estimated that the chain weighs 153g

love jasmine, so you're given

and the winner will receive a
beads from me.
Please send me your address via email !
(admin (at) filzlotte.de)


of all I thank you sooo much, you want your
taken part in the fun.
I found it great
and hope that your joy had.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

♥ ♥

Now I wish you a wonderful evening.
Much love
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mario Soliari Steaming

thousand stars or the 5th Door

The 5th Door we have opened heut'Morgen.
For the children's
is always exciting. And it shortens the

wait for the Christmas Eve.

I would also like to shorten you,
if you like.
with an asterisk.

Because today the 5th Door is opened, the fifth
Post Comment
win an asterisk.

Do you like to collaborate?
carries Then you below!
Later I post the comments and the winner
is common.

If write less than 5 people waiting,
wins the first clerk.

You have made me really happy with this great
Embroidery. The asterisks

make soooo much fun.

♥ ♥

Think also of the cradle action
just below this post. could
If you know what
weigh the chain
me likes to write. I find

's soooooo exciting.
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Wow, that was but fix.
And the 5th Waiting is already drawn.
love Andrea (creative chaos)
write me quickly
your email address.
can then travel the asterisk
tomorrow to you.
Do you have a desire asterisk?

of all I thank you sooooo much for join
It was fun.

Maybe I'll soon be a door
to be opened for you.
I would be very happy,
if your back could be there.
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

20 Question Flash Game

but some have always known!

Krefeld is a stronghold of telephone scams. Now the prosecution has established its own department.

Writes today Rheinische Post .

I personally think yes for the powerful over the top, but the first "anxious" employees have already been reported.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Images Of Men With Brazilian Wax

Advent Contest

Soooo long I had it before.
an online contest.
A very special time.

because you have to guess.
Yes! ;-)
You have to guess how hard the
shown below warp
together with the leather band.
Without the star, of course.
him I have you down just for size comparison
(Embroidery of Smila)

What do you think?
How hard can she be?
If you have any idea's
writes in the Post as a comment!

♥ The one who is with your weight estimate
closest to the true weight,
wins a beads on a leather band.

time do you have to 2.Advent
at 18.00 clock.

♥ I wish you all good luck!

♥ ♥

Excited greetings

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

How To Camo Olive Green Jon Boat

Wikileaks and culture

A call to all!

Although the site of Wikileaks.org not currently available, yet will I receive from Germany, the radio spread news here.

"In a meeting paused Westerwelle Niebel aware of the many third-world institutions and boasted of having never read a line from Goethe -. 'Yes, you think, then, I?, Niebel said back angrily. "

Since remedial necessary! Please, dear bloggers, the work of lawyers bought Goethe (Reclam!) and sends it to the liberal federal Guido.Zusendungen to Niebel not sense, because no one knows in the Federal Government.

"knows the folly of any concern,"

JW von Goethe

Racquel Darrian's Feet

Finally, finally, finally ...

.. . There's another new doll.

with a warm panties. For
's soooooooooo cold.
♥ ♥

Because little was done until yesterday evening Eni
and already this morning for their new
Puppenmami traveled
's only very quick images.
♥ ♥

Now I hope very much that little has
enjoy their baby.

♥ ♥

Here's snowing soo beautiful.
I thought I was really happy.
Everything is so white and peaceful.
Do you see it?
On my blog it snows too. ;-)

But I must necessarily buy gloves. Have
very cold fingers.
Bibber ... ;-)
♥ ♥

expectant Now I still sew a little.
have discovered something very nice.
♥ ♥

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Face Slimming Cream Singapore

bloggers and youth protection

Actually, the (new) youth media protection treaty (JMStV) for bloggers is no reason to panic or resignation.

Few writers will distribute content which is harmful to minors or be seen as harmful to minors, as mental retardation, polemic or sense of mission is often hazardous.
And even if some bloggers avoid insults, slander and lies can not or will not, they threaten to exceed itself
Even the famous "F" word writes repeatedly in his text, it does not harm it.

But every blogger should note, is that you designate a youth protection officer must be provided not just purely "private" writes. This is always the case that one "intends" to his blog through advertising to earn at least a few cents (Monetize). This Profit is enough of the "private " to "commercial " supplier to rise.

This then benennde youth protection officer is to have the institution of the government, parastatal, or other "important" points to address first of all, if they believe they must complain.
So if you designate a competent Youth Protection Officer and mandated saves

nerve force because it takes away from the possible need discussion with these agencies;
money because he advises the blogger as part of its order at all legal issues (if he can and should!)
time, because the needs of the youth protection officer spend.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Clean Natuzzi Leather Couches

Once again the Supreme Court! Can landlord everything? The court and the promised apartment size

"The decision is highly problematic and not for me to understand. The Federal Court allows virtually False Statements to the owner's home size. Landlords may steal now with a contract term of responsibility and impunity fantasy figures on dwelling size specify in the lease, "criticized the director of the German Tenants' Association (DMB), Lukas Siebenkotten, today's ruling of the Federal Court (VIII ZR 306/09). Mr. Siebenkotten is a former lawyer from Krefeld, with whom I've always worked together confidently.
The Supreme Court has once again like a hard-to-place choice, because for whatever other reason, a landlord write such a precise size specification in the lease than to give a binding promise.
The landlord had the size of the apartment lease with "ca 54.78 sq m "is specified. In fact, the apartment was about 22 percent less, namely 42.98 square meters.
had Despite the deviation of the tenant by asking for rent reduction and repayment of amounts paid in rent unsuccessful. Reason, the Supreme Court, the landlord had included the clause in the lease that the disclosure to the apartment size is "not because of possible measurement errors to determine the rental property. The spatial extent of the leased thing arises rather from the URL of the leased premises. "This is an indication of the size of homes no binding agreement.
here is quite clear that the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court changes and constant fluctuations and no one can foresee how the court will decide.
the one hand, the court affirmed an earlier decision to reduce the entitlement of the tenant was a significant deviation, order now to tilt because of the vague addendum to the treaty.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Diferrance Intermediate Goalie Pads Senior

sensations from NRW

" The Legal Committee of the Düsseldorf parliament today deals with the subject" karate courses for prosecutors' The FDP required by the state government explanation as to why Justice employees have received in Wuppertal financed apparently self-defense classes, the.. Liberals are opposed to such karate classes. The prosecution is "not fighting force".
A spokeswoman for the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Justice stressed that the training was not organized by country. It was for employees the public prosecutor in Wuppertal for "verbal abuse" by visitors an "uncertainty" given. Therefore, courses were approved for learning "techniques of de-escalation" and ward off potential assaults to. Whether it ever came to physical attacks is unknown. "

I'm thrilled!

The annual excursion of the Krefeld Justice (lawyers, judges and prosecutors) with the silt to Hülser mountain is now . a new attraction

prosecutor Otto N. as


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Removing Helmet Ear Pads

It's Christmas ...

early next week
's at our Waldorf school
the Christmas Bazaar.
is why it's no longer
work out with the competition. This has unfortunately
up after 27 . Wait
I hope this is ok for you?

But then, really.

the moment I can only think of the
Christmas Bazaar.
Oh no, I have viiiiiel done too little.
This year was sooo exciting.
's were always something I was taught by
beads and even more so by the doll

Now the year is almost over.
And I promise:
Next year's is better.

Good had all the stress:
I have little to prepare for the bazaar.
So I had now
insert "Extra layers.
I bubbled on some days 4-6 Hours
a row.
The kiln was in constant use
and has never failed me.
The many hours a burner
I have perfected many techniques.
I've used many high-quality materials
the thread.
is formed eg the chain.

very atypical for me, right?
But I really like you.

♥ I have many other beautiful things
show which I am after the Christmas Bazaar.

Maybe you have the opportunity to
visit me and the many other beautiful objects there

and you catch a little Christmas scent? Then stop by
is easy! On 27
von clock 09.30 - 16.30 clock
Waldorf School Hannover Maschsee
Rudolf von Bennigsen Shore 70th
I'm in Reindlbau, class 3b.
I'd 'be happy to meet you

Until then, it stays here

♥ ♥

Greetings dear
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tattoo Designs For Slim Men

file sharing, plus some thoughts

There is nothing new, that invite people their music requests from the Internet and then this song (consciously or unconsciously) again offer the internet to spread also.

There is nothing new that the rights holders (Bushido, Lena, and all the others) to put the other hand, to defend, and regularly make "waves" admonish these "distributors" and make some horrendous damages claim.

There is nothing new , that people sign up under any circumstances, be supplied should cease and desist letter, and virtually "blind" to pay. This must in any case before the advice of an attorney should be sought for, as my consulting practice shows: Each case is different and not every warning and / or claim is justified. So: Good advice is not expensive.

costs of security, "own" lawyer money, but it's always better to invest a smaller amount of money to a "bigger" to avoid.

's New in retrospect of 2010, there are always the same Internet service provider whose customers after disclosure of the real name and address (ordered by the court!) Will be advised and frightened.
New is also that there are geographical differences and geographically controlled warning wave.
As a brief survey showed Krefeld colleagues are currently Krefeld and environment and Telecom and 1 & 1 customers to it.
You'd think Krefeld vodafone or former customers arcor-behaved law abiding or is that something else?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Amortization Calculator Balloon Payment 365/360

private prosecution? What does that mean?

Since a consumer protection agency in Herford celebrating under the heading "Law-Hunting" so that the public prosecutor of Bielefeld the proceedings against him had stopped because of a breach of Art Copyright Act. However, he seems to "miss" to have the district attorney has referred the Bielefeld reporting party on the private prosecution.

time too short thought Mr. Consumer advocates

The prosecution has no other written as:

You consumer advocates you have indeed committed an offense, it is the general public but little affected, also heard the crime to the deeds of the catalog § 374 Code of Criminal Procedure, that the reporting party should take care that you are punished.

So if the reporting party a "Law-Hunter" and he has some money, he will not let you say twice.
Law-Hunter is one who pursues violations of the law by legal means and does what the prosecutor recommends it.

Then we want but let's see if the charge-Hunter Law private prosecution and lawyer who will defend the consumer advocates agreed, especially if the payment of the defender not secured.

It will be fascinating.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Unblocked Dune Buggy Games

My dream would be a chain ...

... of colorful beads.

These are the first.
And the next anneal already in the oven.
today first 'night I may look at me.
♥ ♥

must But 20
it be determined for a chain, or
♥ ♥

Click here still
haywire. Jette
When I picked up from school,
she told me that they
tomorrow urgently needed and that their old boots
have a hole.
Na super.
Now we go only go once.
buy rubber boots.

If we are back,
I may perhaps as a reward
get the new beads from the oven. ;-)

And then there's a little competition.
♥ ♥

are greeted
Until then, dear Judith

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Now it goes but it was on tomorrow. :-(
My battery is empty.
can download it over night now.
Then tomorrow I can make new images

Have a nice evening.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Wax Downstairs

Real ...

... it looks a lot, a lot prettier.

I'm doing a little better. To my horror

visit the hospital
I really needed a lot, plenty of rest.
The cup with the facial paralysis
seems to me to go over.
I hope so.
And it looks good.

♥ Today, I have beaded a bracelet. Perhaps
's for the Christmas Bazaar?
♥ ♥

Janka has HUGE way
got your comments.
you would like to visit all your blogs still
but it takes a little longer.
this time they in bed with fever.
beads and blogs have to wait as now.

So, now I see once again for her.

♥ ♥

Hach, which I'm glad you all are here. ;-)
Be loving greetings all sooooo

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Watch Online Movies From Saliere

The daily struggle with the definitions

"The term rip is a colloquial term for defrauding . money from someone means of fraudulent money to bring (Duden, "the German spelling", 24th ed) "


" rip-off of the colloquial term for fraud in the broadest sense, and not necessarily the conditions of criminal fraud to be achieved. "

difficult difficult ... ..

As someone raises substantial sums from a bank account, which he knows that they are not entitled to him. Then he puts the money into his own pocket and used it.
If the rip-off?

As another knowingly publish false reports about a company on the internet and removes them not to call. Because he has any assets, he does not care and can be sue happy. His own lawyer, he also paid, but rather arrange to have this (later) to apply for legal aid, what is not and makes his own lawyer extra effort and work. The cost the company, which must indeed pay their own attorney and court costs, he does not replace it. And to make matters worse, he continues with his false reporting, after which the company incurred costs again because of her lawyer must apply for an administrative fine.
Conclusion: A damaged his own lawyer and a damaged company.
If the rip-off?

difficult difficult

I think I see the new AbzockWIKI of Mr. Claus Meier Fricke, AHMS Str 36c, 32052 Herford Tel: +49 (0) 5221-1719574 Fax: +49 ( 0) 321-21363438 times exactly, I can certainly there learn something.

Can You Fix Ptosis Without Surgery

History repeats itself

"Those who can not remember the past are condemned / condemned to repeat it."
Kluger sentence?
Yes, sure, but there are always "special" people who just do not understand or can do, what works and what does not.
These resistant human learning is certainly Mr. Fred Kaier from Steinhagen. Had I really thought that he have been the Anzahlt of dollars, which he had to pay to my clients as a result of a lost process (violation of personal rights), a lesson, I found myself recently proved wrong.
On her blog, tell the lawyers and colleagues Berger of Dusseldorf, Cologne on to what is the pain relieved Mr Fred Kaier from Steinhagen has carried away again, turning into what for him.

Once again a fine, once again the threat of prison (if not paid) and again consistent ignoring judicial decisions. I know but her irgentwo?

The parallels with another consumer reconnaissance of OWL are obvious, both in the CV as well as in behavior.
Whether this is the climate there?

The colleague Musiol I'm sorry. His Actions before, during and after the process in that blog also documented relentlessly, even though he probably wanted to save only what could not be saved.

So on and on their consumer reconnaissance of OWL. It harms the cause more than to bring their benefit. For one who believes in the Enlightenment, who was convicted several times?

Oh yes one more thing:

§ 2 paragraph 2 BORA applies only to the behavior to its own clients (!). But you also learn it again.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Is Cellulitis Of The Knee

old and new ...

Have many, many thanks
love for your many needs.
Unfortunately, it's even better not. :-(
Tomorrow I want to neurologists.
see what the time says.
But dolls like your fingers crossed, determined
's better soon.

That was the old man. ;-)
The New coming.

I now have competition
in-house. ;-)
deal in the 8th grade, all Waldorf students
a year with a theme.

The 8-class work.
Janka has chosen the theme of glass beads.
And after they theoretically
has studied the topic,
she does now on the practical work. not
And so all of your impressions and work
she keeps a diary.

Additionally, she has wanted a blog.
whom she has now.
And her first beads
it has already introduced.

's them.

If you like, they visited once

Janka is very excited and looks forward
to your visit.

♥ ♥

So, I'm finding now back on the couch. ;-)

♥ Much love

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Do You Cover Your Eyes In A Sunbed

wrong does not thrive well!

Keep your hands off foreign ownership

Since in Bielefeld a man who claimed to be of the mutated Saul to Paul on his own,-serif ".

Previously he was a willing cog in the grinding of the evil cheaters and did not deserve this bad, in terms of his training, his professional life's work and his skill.

came almost overnight his enlightenment, that it would not be received there with the "right" things and he left the warmth of the workplace.

From then on he became a preacher (not only in appearance) and said the prosecutor, the court, and in general everybody how bad my company but some of it with consumers.

now has this same Saul at his conversion to Paul sweetens the arg mutation in which he took at his departure substantial company funds (allegedly 75 000 €) the business accounts and its own assets added.

This in turn refused to accept the bad rip-not, and accused the preacher.

was suddenly and unexpectedly, but these assets into at one time and asked the state, one may yet grant him legal aid and pay him his lawyer.

Now get legal aid only, the prosecution has a chance of success.
That's obvious, right?

Man with so extensively before in such a case, why it is believed that the action can not succeed can.

This was but now thoroughly in the pants!

In the decision of the Landgericht Bielefeld constantly "unsubstantiated" by and "unclear," the speech. This means, in legal jargon: "You have indeed much better Defendant babble, but not said, claiming that what is important."

is completely deadly then the proposition
"For the fact that intentional funds were withdrawn, not the defendants were entitled, has remained undisputed"

class: not only write nonsense ( ) but can and "confess" everything.

And what happens now? Clear: whines One of the bad food, developed conspiracy theories (What to do, counsel for the applicant with the judges of the District Court?) And asks, as often as possible to press the Donate button on the traveling preacher page

One wonders. Of course, where the funds are still there, that are "common ground" landed by his own hand at the preacher. for "rabbit roast" He has probably not spent anything and his lawyer should have (yet) received any money. ARGE probably knows nothing of this money.
Although they
the water up to his neck, they do not listen to croak out!