Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Besr Of Jenna Jamison

Johanniskrautöl – Ein Helfer in der Not zum selber machen

Who has a chance in nature (forest and field) to look, who notes these days, that yellow and bright flowers stand aside and immediately eye-catching.

If they look like the picture on the left, then there is John's wort (botanically correct "dot-St John", Latin: Hypericum perforatum). The herb called us to really perceive it and pluck.

I set forth from St. John's wort oil, and I am grateful to have it ready in the closet. To really be sure that it is John's wort, you grind the yellow flowers between the fingers - red juice comes out of the flowers and the fingers slightly red color, one is found it.

The oil provides excellent services
You can use it as a massage oil, combat tension, spasms, sprains and burns, muscle tears, bruises or contusions. Even with fresh wounds helps the oil because it has analgesic and astringent. It can be used in beauty care as well as to cure psoriasis and other skin rashes as a skin oil.

Daily massage with this oil to help prevent pregnancy and protect Strip and later, through breast feeding, breast inflammation. The oil has a strengthening effect on the muscles and connective tissue, and also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agents - and it smells even gut.Vor of use, please discuss with your gynecologist, as St. John's wort during pregnancy is not really recommended.

you should always consult a doctor or health practitioner if you are unsure. St. John's Wort oil is not a substitute accurate diagnosis with specific medication, but at Alltagswehwehchen definitely positive in the healing process . Intervene

It can be easily prepared even
I harvest the yellow flowers from June to August and fill thus breithalsige bottle until it is almost full. Then I pour this organic olive oil and place the bottle in the sun - for about 6 weeks. The oil then has dark red colored - so to speak reform Homes & Co. also like the red-oil. Then I put the bottle in a dark place, eg in the cellar in a closet, it will not turn rancid and I can always have it.

Caution! St. John's Wort oil increases the sensitivity to light, therefore never go unprotected in the sun.

St. John's Wort as a tea
It helps fight depression and insomnia, he calmed down and also helps with upset stomach or menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. St. John's Wort contains natural oestrogens (plant hormones), has a calming and stabilizing.

The beneficial effect of St. John's wort plant was already in the Middle Ages. Other names for the St. John's wort were Hartheu woman herb, blood God and the devil flee. The latter has its origin in the "defensive demons' Force of the St. John's wort plant. Earlier set of St. John in houses and barns were hung to ward off evil forces.

If symptoms persist or greater depression St John's wort may also be given in high doses - these resources are available only in pharmacies. Because of the high dose active ingredient of St. John's wort is not compatible with all medications, you should consult your doctor if you have to take powerful drugs. You should also go to the doctor anyway Aoptheker or if the symptoms persist longer.

source and related links: St. John's Wort Online and Healtindex

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How To Have A 14 Nerf Party

Rückenschule - Vierter und Letzter Teil

in the fourth and last part is stretched and stretched hard to stay fit and to give the body a little change.

calf muscles

Raise the left leg to stretch and tighten the foot (a). The position 10 hold seconds, thereby tighten the abdomen and the leg feathers slightly. Then extend the feet ten times in the change and tighten (b). Then with the other leg. Two passes per side.

adductor muscles (a muscle for beaching a limb):

the right foot lie on the left knee and right hand right knee gently downwards. hold in the lowest position for 10 seconds. Then switch sides.
A step forward. The back leg by pressing the foot points forward. The front buckle leg and thereby influence the drawing (10 sec) in the rear leg. Let back now. Then go.
Place on one leg, bend the other , grasp the ankle and against the pressure of the hips, gently pull back. Farthest point 10 seconds. After that page instantly.

stomach and back
stand with his legs crossed, his right hand lightly pressed against the hip. torso to the right tilt, the left hand supports the ceiling, hold 10 seconds, then change the page and feet position.
After a total of four training parts of the back school is finished at the tips work. We hope that you enjoyed the show. We also encourage you to make the exercises more, for regular repeats long-term protection. You are cordially invited to visit this page again and back to school (see category) to return. to participate from Next week, we dedicate ourselves to the body art theme and show you videos.
Stay healthy and happy :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Belly Dancing Hip Scarf Mississauga

Rückenschule - Dritter Teil

In the third part of the back school is stretched again strengthens.

Enjoy when practicing :-)


We take your right foot - in the clean shoe - for once on the table. Knee is pushed through - obviously, we are now also office-athletes. The right hand rests on right thigh. The left hand covers the ball of the right foot / shoe. View of the shoe. Position change: Now the problem is exacerbated that we look up, push it out move in the chest and the abdomen, as if you button up too tight jeans. The tormented face of one may indulge in now. Then change sides.


We get up, two steps away from the office chair. We adhere firmly to the back of the chair . Look ahead. Elbows pressed.
position changes, we push the upper body down. Gaze to the floor. Elbows pressed. Detection times.


feet together, tightening the buttocks and upper body as far as possible to the side. Position hold 10 seconds, five seconds then pull slightly to the poor. Change sides.

Next week will follow the fourth and final edition

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ray Diagram On How Camera Works

Rückenschule - Zweiter Teil

As on 11 February 2008 announced it is now the second part of our back school:

exercises here and now

For all ridden and stressed out people with back problems have the physiotherapists Frank-André Berkel and our colleague Christian Lautner appropriate exercises in between together in the workplace.

stretch your arm up and with the palm an imaginary resistance push up, hold 10 seconds. Change sides.

, put your arms straight, hands behind his back and pull up. Highest point 10 seconds pause, while squeezing the shoulder blades.


Our right hand holds on the left knee, so we have a firm grip. The left hand points to the left.
We prefer the left hand to left back and follow it with our eyes. Chest out and stomach tighten. It pulls in the shoulder and lower back. Well so on. Then change sides.

The third week following then again next week :-)

Until then have fun with the exercises.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday's Patron Cosmo-rita Recipe

Rückenschule - Erster Teil

All workers with sedentary jobs have in common is that they hurt her spine in the long run, if no compensation is provided. If the tense and often have pain? What do you do for back pain?

Pilates, yoga, body art, gymnastics, swimming and jogging are excellent activities to keep the spine long term fit. But many people can or want to take this time and no access point and back to sauna and massage. Massage can help release tension in the short term and to alleviate pain, but help is not permanent because it is only passively helps.

over the long term and meaningful to do something about the complaints, one comes to active initiative is a must. And here come the "healthy and happy news" comes in: For the next few weeks I open the doors to the online school back to you ideas, give tips and tricks at hand.

exercises here and now

For all ridden and stressed out office workers and have their backs, the physical therapist Frank-André Berkel and I matching exercises in between - together - at work.

neck muscles

Straight back, hands behind your head and gently press your chin to chest. Rotational position hold 10 seconds, then push the head 10 seconds from his hands. Send


Straight back, right hand on his left ear and pull your head gently to the shoulder, hold 10 seconds, then the head 10 seconds from his hand. Then change sides.

spine and shoulder

We're sitting on an office chair and folded his hands to a gun, his feet firmly on the ground. The elbows are pushed through. The arms have an angle of 45 °.
We aim to ceiling, low chest, abdomen pure. The elbows are still depressed. Look ahead. The shoulder downwards. Now it runs properly in the shoulders, which is good.

In the coming weeks you will find 3 more exercise parts. We are glad to see you :-)


Frank-André Berkel, physical therapist from Wiesbaden heads for several years in courses dance, fitness and martial arts. After a ballet training at the Russian Bilozerova in Hamburg followed in the training standard and Latin American dance and rock 'n' roll and acrobatics. Today focuses on Frank-André Berkel Body Art and Yoga. The holistic aspects of muscle training and relaxation meet his ideals of both the body and mind balancing sport. Since December 2006 he lives and works in Mallorca in the yoga school of Ursula Karven.

What is BODY ART? Body Art is a sport that was developed to build the supporting muscles. Different techniques from Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Pilates and traditional physical therapy is here fused to your body movements are stärken.Die slowly, smoothly and be out of breath. The exercises are very intense and powerful angstrengend, but "without Rumgehopse. Body art is also available in other cities, can provide useful information about health clubs.

Send us your thoughts back to school or this blog. criticisms, suggestions and requests are welcome.

nice day :-)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Uk School In 1980 Caning

Trinkwasser - Lebensspender oder Gift?

media are constantly telling them that our water is perfectly harmless. I know some people who swear by their water from the tap and drink it daily. But it is to be treated with caution.

course, our water is carefully controlled, but it is not necessary to label all toxic substances, the same is true for mineral water from the bottle - there are only good thing (minerals etc.) on the label.

But what about the many microorganisms, ozone or chlorine?

The water from the tap is in the sewage treatment plant cleaned, provided with chlorine and examined, then it leaves this place, and puts many miles back in "old" tubes. No one knows if its stuck in ducts of any dirt that flows with the water through the tap. And the taste of chlorine can be annoying.

Even bottled water is also questionable, since the water with ozone is made temporarily preserved - until it is completely dead after all. And as mentioned on the label has only one point Minerals & Co..

us at least this was all too uncertain and that is why we have chosen a) to revive the "dead" water and b) to filter properly.

have given us under the Sink in the kitchen of the company Waterenergizer GRANDER installed so that water will be informed of new and revived. Then the water runs through the busy Carbonitfilter with a pore size of max. 0.45 micron all harmful substances - such as copper, lead, bacteria, drug residues retains much more is absolutely secure. In contrast to conventional anti-scale filter, this filter "bleed" is not, which means that the filter keeps the dirt in it, even if the filter is full. Tens late when the water no longer passes through the filter cartridge is replaced.

We've had good advice and are now finally in the water loading find - there we have then ordered the water filter. The individual cartridges are then replaced every six months. Waterenergizer of the Grande we have directly ordered from a dealer in Hessen - on the website you can Request information for free.

Apart from the health aspect, we also do something good for our wallet and the case is dragging away as well.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spanish Condolence Quote

Ergebnisse meiner Umfrage

Between September and December 2007, I called on readers to join a small survey. I wanted to know how to behave with a cold.

There have contributed a total of 21 people. The question was: How do you do if you have a cold?

The reader (s) could choose between five possible answers:
  • I lie down and drink a lot

  • I go to the doctor

  • I go to the pharmacy and I cover a

  • I rely on pharmaceuticals

  • I rely on natural remedies and home remedies
Here are the results:
The results show me that my readers have found the right platform. 71% of respondents to cure a cold and 38% prefer to rely on natural remedies.

I thank all participants for your cooperation.

Do you have a specific topic for the next poll? Log on.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Horoscopes In Spanish 2010

Frohes neues Jahr

Dear reader (s),

I would hope the new year started well.

The good intentions I have with my wife still does the same in the old year. We have quickly moved to our current collective green power to protect the environment and to put a little sign.

We have also - in addition to our Waterenergizer - we bought a water filter Carbonit so that we can safely drink water from the line, we save Thus money and do something good. From April I'll

then take the train more often and leave my car and sports will also be used somewhat more often. We may begin this year even with a yoga class.

What about your Vorstätzen? Space for comment at the end of this article - just click on "comments" link.

I wish you all the best for 2008

your Marc Christian Lautner